10 Super-Fun Activities for Rainy Days
Ideas for when you're stuck in the RV

The RV lifestyle isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Even though many RVers chase the good weather, you can be certain that there will be bad weather days too. There’s always the typical board games and puzzles, but let’s get a little more creative. Being stuck inside a RV with children probably sounds like a nightmare to some, so I’ve gathered these fun ideas for rainy day activities!
Keep a Secret Stash of Craft Projects
I like to buy a few craft projects or activities from the store, especially when I spot them on sale. I keep a small bin of never-seen-before fun activities tucked away in a secret place. I only take these out on days we can’t get outside, so they are special and new! Craft ideas could be a crochet craft, modeling clay, shrinky dinks, jewelry making, crayon melting art, paracord bracelets, etc.
Get Artsy
Break out the paints & colored pencils! There are so many ways this can be executed. Talk about a certain time period and style of art (ex: pointillism or impressionism) followed by creating art in that particular style. Read a poem or a book to the kids and have them illustrate a scene.
Make a Book
Have the kids write a story! Simply put together a few folded pieces of paper and staple the spine. Younger children could draw pictures instead of writing words. Elementary aged children could be inspired by some writing prompts.
Become a Chef
Have the kids make a meal! They can create menus, research a recipe (or make up their own), and cook a meal for the family.
Make a Ginormous Blanket Fort
Gather all of the sheets and blankets and create an epic fort! Take it a step further and watch a movie on a laptop after the fort is complete.
Have a Dance Party
As a family, we do this regularly, but it’s always a favorite! Play the kids’ favorite tunes and dance around. It’s a great way to burn off some energy!
Do Chores
Okay, so this may not be the most fun activity. However, it’s a perfect task to get done on a rainy day and can be paired with a good song playlist! Maybe even throw in some incentives like money or a trip to get ice cream.
Get Outside & Get Dirty!
Dress in bathing suits or messy clothes and go play in the rain! Jump in puddles! Keep some towels by the door so everyone can dry off before bringing water & mud into the RV.
Create a Stop Motion Video
Gather some toys- small figurines, legos, etc and make backdrops for the scene. Do some research together about tips on creating a video. “Stop Motion Studio” is a great app to get started. Create a story line and have fun making a movie!
Make a Laser Maze
My kids actually made this game up all on their own, and loved it! Take a ball of yarn and weave it up and down and across throughout a room in the RV. The challenge is getting through the maze without touching the yarn laser!
Visit our Amazon Store* to see some great products to have on hand for a rainy day! (affiliate link)
If you really need a break from the RV space, head on out for local exploring! Check out a museum, library, recreation center, interesting attraction, or restaurant. Simply do a Google search of things to do in your area, or ask the locals.
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